Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sisterly Love, or, More Adoration of N

sorry to cut you out A, better luck next time 

Yes it's true.

I love my sister N. As if this post didn't make that crystal clear for everyone already.

When she was at Whitman for her undergrad and I was still a Spartan, her visits home were oh so eagerly anticipated. While N was visiting my laundry always got washed and folded (she even paired my socks, something I never do!) and the bathroom became sparkling clean.

It was like magic.

And yes, I was (and still am) fully capable of doing my own laundry, but when N does it, it's just so much better. Her folding quality is superior, and she makes the clothes have a better clean laundry smell.

She did this stuff for me because she loves me too, or because my dirty laundry was always piled in the bathroom we shared (that I never cleaned) and it frustrated her. Understandably so.

Even M's boyfriend Big Hands (so named because he claims his hands are too big to do things like cook or text) misses N while she is away at school again. The other day at dinner he made the comment:

I miss N. When she's here there is order.

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