Thursday, August 20, 2009

Career Advice From N

I am a super athlete. Duh.

Ok, actually, I'm not. But as of last month, I have started riding again. After an eight year break. You can lose a lot of skills in that time.

A lot.

Anyways, I compete (or will soon compete again) in the sport of eventing. It's like the triathlon of the equestrian world. The three phases are as follows: (ordered from my least favorite to my favorite)



Cross Country.

Back in the day when I would go to small local shows, N always gave me this valuable piece of advice: First or die.

Her logic was this, if I got second, I may as well have gotten third, if I got third I may as well have gotten fourth, if I got fourth I may as well have fallen off, if I fell off I may as well have gotten hurt, if I got hurt I may as well have died.

Yeah, people (and horses) do actually die at these competitions

She is such a great source of support and motivation for me.

Now that I have taken the sport back up, I have hopes (however unrealistic) of competing at the elite levels (one day in the very very distant future). N, ever helpful and encouraging, suggested I attach the title, 'Olympic hopeful' to my name on everything I do. Specifically, to business cards and resumes.

Well N, I knew my 100k graphic design education would come in handy one day.

I will make up those business cards immediately.

-Megan, Olympic hopeful

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