She is on vacation with her husband Pastor Matt, and a few weeks ago she sent me this email:
Dear Onyong, (she means Annyong)
Please consider this if my neighbor doesn’t work out.
Watching our loving Boston Terrier Benedict from Saturday – Saturday. He really isn’t that bad, just needs to be on a leash at all times outside, and sometimes barks when you first come home.
What’s the point:
· I trust you because we are like the same person.
· You will make $100 Million Dollars. (actually just $100.00)
· You can have your own space for the week in which you can do Shred by yourself, bake all you want, wash your laundry, have a yard to tan your white body in, have the internet, watch network tv and use our state of the art DVD player.
· You will be closer to work for the week.
· You might become a Christian because of all the crosses and Christian books around.
· There is more, just ask.
Don’t worry if you can’t, just don’t get me evicted.
Now here are some of the joys of Benny Watch I have discovered:
He snores. Loudly.
He insists on sleeping under the covers with you.
He farts. Often. They do not smell pleasant.
On the plus side, he doesn't bark as much, especially since I squirted him with a spray bottle. Now all I have to do is hold the bottle and he shuts up. He also has stopped trying to hump me.

I think we are becoming friends.
FYI, Pastor Matt took these pictures
Haha, I love it. It sounds like things are going well. Pastor Matt and I are cracking up.