Thursday, December 3, 2009

We Used To Do What?

So I was watching Mary Poppins tonight, and I had totally forgotten how awesome that movie is. Too bad I have to give it back to the library in two weeks.

However, while watching it I remembered something my sisters (all four of us) used to do as children. When we were eating jello, we would swish it around in our mouths until it turned back into liquid, then we would spit it out into the spoon. And now here is where things get really good, we would drink the liquid jello back up while acting out Mary Poppins. You know, the scene where Mary Poppins gives the kids medicine and each spoonful she pours is a different flavor.

Mmmm strawberry!

Lime cordial, delicious!

Ah, rum punch.

Now that I think about it, I realize how truly disgusting that is.

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