It's pretty obvious I worship her. And not in the nice sisterly way where you say nice things to each other and *gulp* hug. Our relationship is best described as more of the stalker/victim type, with me as the stalker (as if you didn't already know that). We spend a lot of time passing judgment on others and recommending books to each other. Well she mostly tells me what to read and I like it. N will even send me books I should read all the way from D.C. She can be so magnanimous.
I digress, it's too easy to get carried away in the details when I talk about my personal god, N.
Now I am not the only one that N has an effect on. Even my ex knew of her limitless powers and commented on them constantly. She is clearly the alpha in the family. Any dispute, decision to be made, we all default to her. She was (and continues to be) the master mediator, and can diffuse many a situation. She studied psych for her undergrad and is about to start her second year at American where she made law review. Now she can unlock the secrets of humanity and win all arguments (as if she didn't have that capability already).
I am pretty sure she is omnipotent. It's been suggested that N is just biding her time until she feels it is right, then N will take over the world via a Manchurian candidate (N has always been a behind the scenes kind of genius).
Just you wait.
Ahhh Life after Wells.