Once upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, before you, before the ape and the elephant, before the wolf, the bison and the whale, before the mammoth and the mastodon, in the time of the dinosaurs.
Since today I have been feeling rather nasty off and on, I thought it prudent to share with you The Greatest Movie on the Planet.
Yes, I am talking about The Land Before Time.
This is my all time favorite movie, and really, how could anyone disagree? It was executive produced by Steven Spielberg, and has a 77% percent fresh rating over at Rotten Tomatoes.

It has everything you could ever want. Drama, action, comedy, The Land Before Time has got you covered. Not to mention themes of acceptance, love, and teamwork that can and should be applied to all our lives.
And who doesn't love dinosaurs? I know I do.

When I was sick with the chicken pox in preschool, Madre rented the video cassette for me. I watched it daily for two weeks straight. Now, whenever I am feeling sick or just down, I put it on and immediately feel better.
Many thanks to my high school boyfriend Brian, who tracked down a copy on DVD for me, without which my life would be seriously lacking.
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