Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So I was visiting N in DC for Thanksgiving. It was pretty grand.

Obviously, N is my idol and since she lives in a studio apartment, I got to share her bed. She got to rediscover that I snuggle at night. Oops.

Anyways, I met her friend from school who is fluent in six languages. Six. And even though next year will be his third year in law school he wants to learn a seventh for fun. I wish I was a language savant like he is. That would be so freaking awesome.

I think I would choose to learn the following:

French, because I took that in high school and college.

Spanish so I could communicate with more people in the states.

Italian, because I love Italy.

Mandarin (or is Cantonese more popular?), for business.

German, so I can express my frustration without fear of repercussions at work.

Too bad sleep learn tapes don't work, I would totally buy them and use them nightly.

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