She is quite the character. One Halloween instead of dressing up in her cute witch outfit she wore this:

She also prides herself on winning any and all eating contests, including this donut eating contest one 4th of July (She cheated, naturally):

When we were younger, M and I shared a bedroom. One night we had joined forces to write what must have been a Very Important Letter. We huddled around the nightlight on the floor together and M was the scribe, I helped dictate. Now keep in mind that M is almost a year older then myself, and was naturally a grade above me. Our conversation went a little something like this:
M: Megan, how do you spell 'I'?
Me: (in my head thinking YES! Finally a chance to show my spelling prowess!) it's e-y-e.
M: No, the other 'I'
Me: (getting a little confused) I...
M: Yeah, but how do you spell it?
Me: M.... it's just the letter, I!!
M: Ooohhhhh...ok.
When I read over our masterpiece I noticed that she spelled 'of' o-v.
M? Glad you didn't become an english teacher.
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